* Inspire Love Light Unity Manifestation & Enlightenment *
About Illume Innate
Illume is a verb which means to light up.
Innate refers to the inborn intelligence of the body:
the inherent recuperative powers that allow the body to heal through accessing our divine potential and our connection to God.
Our Mission is
To Bring Light to the Divinity Within
Dr. Genie Markwell is a Quantum Healer, Teacher, Speaker, Spiritual Guide, Coach and Chiropractor trained in many different modalities that span the diverse worlds of Science and Spirituality. With over 25 years as a Chiropractor and 30+ years studying the mystic and the occult, she balances modern vitalistic science with ancient lineage healing modalities to illume innate. She is serving in both Colorado and the PNW
3970 Broadway Unit 201 G, Boulder, CO 80304
& Normandy Park, WA
Tel: 206.856-9697